Our first greenhouse was purchased used in 1988. Karen and her father, Fred, disassembled it in Bangor. Family and friends helped clear an area on a piece of land in Orrington, built a shed and reassembled the 15'x100' greenhouse. That spring Jean, Karen's mother, stood next to her and helped transplant the first crop. Ledgewood Gardens was born.
Spring of 1989 marked the grand opening. Word spread about town a young couple was selling plants down a 1000ft driveway on Johnson Mill road. The first years were mostly annuals, sold in 6 packs to those that ventured in. Many plants were wholesaled, or sold in town along the road. It only took a few years and another greenhouse was added.
The horticulture industry blossomed. New plants and new varieties emerged. Gardening as a hobby grew in Maine. In 1997 the third greenhouse was constructed, a 30'x50' tall beauty that displayed even more glorious hanging baskets and plants to welcome customers. All of our plants were now sold retail from our greenhouses. That year we helped Orrington celebrate Old Home Week with a float in the parade. What a wonderful community to be a part of!
Growing pains hit us. We used temporary cold frames and small greenhouse frames to house our plant addiction. As a family run operation, life changes affected our operation. We emerged on the other side strong and determined. In 2013 we undertook a major remodel and addition. The smaller greenhouses were removed, revamped, and placed elsewhere. A new 30'x100' greenhouse was built along side the driveway flanked by a stone retaining wall.
Opening day 2017 we will greet customers with a newly constructed shade house for perennials, bumped around from place to place it will be a permanent place for those drifters. We welcome new and loyal customers to visit us, helpful advice and a pleasant environment awaits you!